The distillery buildings at Kennetpans have stood the test of time for almost three hundred years and are now in need of some serious restoration.

I hope you agree from the information contained in this website that these buildings merit this action.

It would be indefensible to watch this ruin deteriorate further.

We have now established a charitable trust (Kennetpans Trust – Charity No SC 042668) for the purpose of stabilising this historic site and to increase awareness of Kennetpans not just as the most important distillery but also its role in the industrialisation of Scotland.

Please make a donation.

It is our intention to raise funds through various government routes and hopefully the whisky industry itself as well as donations from individuals.


We are one of the few blessed to be living at the tranquil location of Kennetpans.


We require sharp eyed, methodical people with great patience to transcribe the original letters on our site as well as the many articles still to be added.

If you would like to get involved please let us know.